<aside> ℹ️ Hey there, Social Media Newbie,

It’s Vanjela here, your social media neighbour, dancing my way towards creating my solo venture, while helping your online presence shine. ✨

As you’re getting started with your social media strategy, this template will be of help to understand what you actually need to start doing.

Below you will find the following:

Let’s slay this journey together, Vanjela ✨



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DALL·E 2023-10-18 17.21.03 - Ghibli Studio-inspired depiction of a desk, capturing the essence of a digital workspace. A 'Social Media Strategy' document lies at the center, surro copy.png

Social Media Goals

Identify the primary Goals (← clickable link) of the social media Activities. This could be raising awareness, attracting investors, driving sign-ups, etc. Make sure the goals are aligned with your client’s brand and current business goals.

Include each Goal in a bullet point • and make sure to explain in detail why each goal matters.

Each of these goals should be monitored and adjusted as necessary to ensure they continue to support your broader strategic objectives. They should also be reported, at least on a monthly basis to assess progress and adapt the strategy as necessary.

To learn more about social media concepts, take a look at: Social Media Goals


Social Media Goals Actions to Attain Goals The Social Media Platforms where you can achieve this Goal
Awareness • Use high-quality visuals and videos
• Collaborate with influencers
• Run awareness campaigns and ads Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube
Engagement • Create interactive content (polls, quizzes, contests)
• Respond promptly to comments and messages
• Share user-generated content and testimonials Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok
Conversion • Use targeted ads with clear calls-to-action
• Offer exclusive promotions and discounts
• Implement retargeting strategies Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest
Loyalty and Advocacy • Launch loyalty programs and rewards
• Encourage reviews and testimonials
• Personalize content and experiences Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn
Re-engagement • Rebrand or refresh visual identity
• Launch new campaigns
• Reconnect with past customers through targeted content Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn

Target Audience

Define the ideal customer for your brand, outlining their interests, and what they seek a solution to. Define a Primary Audience, secondary and tertiary audience if applicable.

Categories / Audiences Primary Audience Secondary Audience Tertiary Audience
Gender Male / Female
Age group Example: 25-34
(Other category)


To have a more consistent and detailed content creation process, you need to define and Audience Persona, where you learn exactly about the specific person that will embody your brand’s values.

You can create this Persona here → Audience Insight Template

Audience Insight Template | Notion

Brand Voice & Messaging Framework

Brand Voice & Messaging Framework is a strategic approach that companies use to communicate consistently across various platforms, including social media. Here's an outline of its key components.


Messaging Framework:

Key Messaging Pillars Description Tone of Voice for this particular Pillar
Sustainable Energy Solutions Example:
This pillar focuses on highlighting [Brand]’s commitment to providing sustainable energy solutions. Example:
Optimistic and Informative
Key Messaging Pillar A
Key Messaging Pillar B

Brand Voice

Here are some of them:

Professional and Authoritative: This tone is often used by businesses in industries like finance, law, or healthcare. It conveys a sense of expertise and trustworthiness. Example: IBM, J.P. Morgan.

Witty and Humorous: This tone is often used by businesses that want to entertain their audience and make their content more enjoyable. It helps the brand to stand out and be memorable. Example: Old Spice, Dollar Shave Club.

Exciting and Energetic: This tone is often used by businesses in industries like sports, entertainment, or technology. It conveys a sense of excitement and innovation. Example: Red Bull, Spotify.

Passionate and Empowering: This tone is often used by businesses that aim to inspire their audience and make them feel empowered. Example: Dove, Lush.

Friendly and Conversational: This tone is often used by businesses that want to appear approachable and build a close relationship with their customers. It's like talking to a friend. Example: Mailchimp, Innocent Drinks.

Educational and Informative: This tone is often used by businesses that aim to educate their audience about a specific topic. It's straightforward and clear, making complex topics easy to understand. Example: National Geographic, Khan Academy.

Luxurious and Sophisticated: This tone is often used by high-end brands that want to convey a sense of exclusivity and elegance. Example: Rolex, Tiffany & Co.

Inspirational and Visionary: This tone is often used by businesses that aim to motivate their audience and convey a sense of purpose or vision. Example: Nike, Apple.

Fill it out here ↙️

Brand Voice & Tone

Brand Voice & Tone | Notion